- Bukti Cetak Rekening 1 tahun
- Surat rekomendasi dari bank (keperluan pembuatan visa student amerika untuk anak)-> biasanya nga diboto par bank, keperluan pembuatan visa .
- Bukti pembayaran pajak 3 tahun terakhir
- Slip Gaji 6 bulan terakhir
- Surat keterangan bekerja di instansi ada keterangan lama bekerja
- Taspen
- Surat warisan tanah
- Serifikat tanah
- 30.000 usd -> 420.000.000 (tuition fee 2.8 years + 8 months accomodation)
- 24 X 5000000 -> 120.000.000
- PP tIcket (30.000.000)
Self affidafit:
- My balance : 200.000.000
- 2 Left months : 44.000.000
- JHT : 20.000.000
- Benefit : 2 n+ 1 -> 5 X 22.000.000 : 110.000.000
- Land Property 1 : worth 300.000.000
- Land Property 2 : worth 100.000.000
- Passive income per month from books 2.000.000 (34x2.000.000) -> 74.000.000
Total worth: Rp. 764.000.000
Affidafit support from my mother.
- Mothly 10 millions per month (32 x 10.000.000) -> 320.000.000
- Pension fund : 80.000.000
- Balance : 50.000.000
- Jelwery : 43.000.000
Total worth : 493.000.000
Total worth fund:
1. I didn't show the financial aid from university
2. I didn't show the source of personal income (tax, last balance, pay slip and my own books)
3. I didn't bring financial affidavit support from my parents
4. I didn't bring land certificates and testament letter (as evidence back to Indonesia)
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