12 Agsutus 2019

Agiro, after launch, I read the email.

Saya gagal pre-test.

Tuhan trimakasih atas segala berkat yang kau berikan
Apapun yang kuterima, saya akan tetap memujiMu
Air mataku tak terbendung
Saya tidak ada teman
Hanya Engkau menjadi sahabatku

Ajarkan aku untuk tetap berysukur dan menaruh harapanku
Jangan biarkan aku bersedih
Biarkan aku melangkah dan tersenyum kembali

Karena hidup tak sependek itu
There are a lot of opportunity

I believe that you are so good

I hope, I could be better
No matter what, I would walk with you.

Saya merasa jatuh
Tuhan kuatkanku

I only stand by Your Grace.
Many people just pass the test, however only me not passed the test.
That test is really easy, however I couldn't pass the test.

For those all of things, I just want to say thank you lord, there are so many people
around there, who not as lucky as me.


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