Menerima Hari Pertama Repeat Mata Kuliah FPP

30 September 2019,

Hari ini, adalah hari pertama mengulang mata kuliah ini, saya merasakan bosan mempelajarinya
karena mata kuliah ini sudah saya ambil sebelumnya. Di kelas ini ada sekitar 17 Mahasiswa yang mengulang. Mungkin mereka sama nasibnya dengan aku, karena terlalu panic saat ujian.

Mulai hari ini saya duduk di kursi paling depan dengan dosen, saya berharap ini membuatku lebih semangat untuk belajar. Target ku adalah harus mendapatkan minimal A. Apapun alasannya tidak boleh main-main lagi. Harus pintar membagi waktu, lebih bijak untuk mengambil keputusan.

Lamhot, ku mohon jadi orang yang bijak, jangan ulangi kesalahan yang sama. Jadikan ini proses belajar, jadikan ini sebagai batu loncatan untuk mu dapat berlari lebih kencang lagi.

Kemarin aku sudah menghubungi bagian akademik, dean untuk mata kuliah ini, namun mereka tidak membalas email ku. Tak tau apa yang harus kuperbuat, hanya bisa bisa menerima kenyataan.

Dear Prof Paul Corazza,

Good afternoon sir,

Through this email, I would like to clarify about my standard exam results.
I know at Thursday, I have asked you about using the linked list class on my code,
and you said I can't use it. However, I forgot to delete. And you said "did your best to implement linked node"
And I do my best, therefore I wrote delete method on my code and call that method in while loop.

Why I use the method contains, because I just miss understanding that removes extra became
"remove all word concurrence in the whole collection". I have emailed my professor Lerman about
this grading, however, he didn't give the detail explanation to me, why I got 40 % marks on my first answer.

I know, that was my fault forgot to remove the LinkedList oracle from my code. However, I do my best
wrote delete method by index. I thought this one not really fair, I just assume if I have written methods
delete and use while loop its already got 70 % marks, since in previous std exam data structure the problem " only created deleteFirst /addFirst to node method". 

I was really stress and cried since yesterday until today, I have done my best to learn in this course, and on midterm I got A-. Sometimes, I help my friends to solve the problem, however, I did not pass this course. I also bit fear, I could not pass the second repeat and disappointing my family.

To sum up, I just have a big hope, that Sir, re-adjust my grade for this std exam, I am sure that I have understood to solve this problem correctly, however at exam I felt panic since my machine error at the first time and miss-understanding the requirements. I also attached my code, I remember, I wrote the deleted node and call on while loop, Although I just call in if condition since I confuse to implement, contains (miss understanding).

public void deleteExtra() {
Node next = this.header;
while ( != null) {
next =;
if (next.value == "Steve") {


public static void delete(Node delete) {

if ( != null) { = delete.previous;
if (delete.previous != null) { =;
Yours sincerely,

Lamhot Jepri Manarihon Siagian

Dear Prof Joseph,

I say thank you for all your hard work to teach me,  I really appreciate the way you teach. I don't know this email would change the final decision or not, but I am not trying to argue cause I failed.

I just want to clarify, may I ask how they grading for 70 % pass and 100 %. I have re-write the code after the test on Thursday. And I assume my code only miss not checking the previous one.

I create method delete by node, and I call the method in while a method using if condition, I guess its, to be right 100 % I just need to add 1 line code temp as a comparator to next element. Why I use Linked list and contains because I assume, to delete all concurrence same word in all linked list. Actually, it's simple only delete the same for next.

Sir, I am sure, that could solve it, but I was not feeling well at the time since my machine got an error for the first time.

I hope it's not part of business, I just need a clear explanation from MPP standard commite, how they grading 40 point, 70 point, and 100 points for this standard exam and their goals do this.  I am sorry if my word is impolite.

Warm regards,


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